Writing Playlist 1: Fantasy

I’m constantly looking for new music to listen to while writing. I’m pretty picky about what I listen to while I write, honestly, so when I find a song that works for me I tend to hold on to it.

That inspired me to start making a series of posts with album/song/general music suggestions for writing per genre, with a link to a Spotify playlist that I often listen to.

First up: Fantasy

Let’s start with albums.

viva la vida and pm.jpg

1. Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” and “Prospekt’s March”

Yes, I know, this is technically one album and an EP, but they’re so similar and flow so well together…so I lumped them into one for this post.

The main reason why I find this album so great to listen to while writing fantasy is that I feel each song does a great job at telling its own little story through not only the lyrics, but


2. Mew’s “And the Glass Handed Kites”

Have you ever heard an album that flows together like one big song? It’s absolutely mesmerizing and great to listen to when you’re focusing on your writing.

This album is 54 long total…so it’s just an almost-hour-long-song.



3. (almost all of) Everything Everything’s first two albums, “Man Alive” and “Arc.”

Everything Everything is one of my favorite bands, hands down.
I’m not too fond of their latest album, honestly, but their first two albums are amazing…for everything including writing.

Some of their songs are very upbeat, but I tend to gravitate towards their slower or heavier songs when writing fantasy.

Next, let’s talk about bands.


1. Fleet Foxes

Fleet Foxes are a solid choice for a band to listen to when writing anything fantasy.
Their folk vibe and constant harmonies create a feeling that I think works well with the genre at hand.

Even their cover group, Fleet Foxes Sing, are a great choice to listen to.
(You can find their cover songs here.)


2. The Decemberists

I’ll preface this by saying that I’ve only heard one full album by the Decemberists (“The Crane Wife”) and a few songs from their other albums.
Either way, this band has a great vibe that I find creates a great backtrack for fantasy writing.


3. the xx

The last band recommendation I have is for the xx, a very quiet and subtlety atmospheric band that I’ve been a fan of for a while now.

Honestly, they’re great for any type of writing.



There are, of course, some other songs on the playlist, but you can check those out on the playlist.

Click here, if you’d like to give it a listen.



4 thoughts on “Writing Playlist 1: Fantasy

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  1. I would be interested in how knowing how it helps you to listen to music while you write. Does the type of music affect your style or the mood of the product? Is it better to listen to something you know well, or something new?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I typically want some sort of background noise when I write, and I’ve found that music really helps set the mood depending on what scenes you write! And you can listen to nearly anything-I’ve found a lot of great music through Pandora while writing!


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